(SBOL), an emerging standard for information exchange in synthetic biology. IBioSim is also one of the first tools to also support the iBioSim was the first tool to ever produce correct results for all examples in the SBML benchmark suite, and has also been tested successfully on the stochastic benchmark suite and the curated models in the However, iBioSim does not support some types of fast reactions. iBioSim is able to support almost all of the core SBML modeling constructs including hierachical model composition, layout, flux balance constraints, and arrays packages.

In addition, it is able to export projects back to Level 3 Version 1 of SBML. iBioSim also supports importing files using any level or version of SBML as well as Models in iBioSim use the Systems Biology Markup Language iBioSim primarily models genetic circuits, but it also supports modeling metabolic networks, cell-signaling pathways, and other biological and chemical systems. IBioSim has been developed for the modeling, analysis, and design of genetic circuits.